Экскурсия на лодке по острову Хула-Хула с подводным плаванием и обедом

Остров Хула-Хула, Хургада


19 $20 $


8 часы

Тип экскурсии

Максимальное количество гостей


Начните свой день приключений с удобного трансфера из вашего отеля в Хургаде. Начните действие с живописной поездки на лодке на остров Хула-Хула, уединенный остров с белоснежными песчаными пляжами, кристально чистой водой и пышной зеленью, готовый к погружению в нее. Прибыв на остров, воспользуйтесь возможностью поплавать с маской и трубкой в ​​кристально чистой воде и исследовать яркие коралловые рифы. Воспользуйтесь возможностью отдохнуть на нетронутых пляжах или искупаться в освежающих бирюзовых водах. Насладитесь вкусной едой на борту на обед, прежде чем у вас будет больше времени, чтобы отдохнуть на пляже или исследовать остров. Завершите свой день обратным путешествием в Хургаду на лодке, чувствуя себя отдохнувшими и помолодевшими после дня, полного островной атмосферы и приключений.

В стоимость включено:

  • Плата за лодку
  • Доступ на пляж острова Хула-Хула
  • Обед с комплексным меню в ресторане острова Хула-Хула
  • 1 остановка для сноркелинга
  • Использование оборудования для сноркелинга
  • Инструктор по сноркелингу и спасательный жилет
  • 5-минутный сеанс массажа
  • 5-минутная поездка на банане

В стоимость не входит:

  • Туристический налог 5 евро с человека
  • Трансферы из Макади-Бэй, Сахл-Хашиш, Сома-Бэй, Эль-Гуна или Сафага (доступны в качестве дополнения при оформлении заказа)

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You have a low price... Perhaps you provide a low-quality service?

We really have some of the lowest prices that can be offered and maintain high quality of services provided. The fact is that we are an online tour booking company for large organizers in Egypt and can offer very favorable prices due to the large flow of tourists. By purchasing services from us, you receive high-quality service and do not overpay intermediaries.

What kind of buses and transfers do you have?

The organizers’ fleet offers a variety of vehicles, including cars, minivans and comfortable buses. All vehicles are equipped with air conditioning and safety systems. For longer routes, buses with toilets are provided. In addition, all equipment undergoes regular technical and sanitary maintenance and has the necessary tourist permits. And drivers undergo a check before each long trip by the tourist police.

How and when to pay for the excursion?

We work without prepayment. Absolutely any group excursions are paid for already on the bus or during the process. Exceptions are prepayments for individual excursions and excursions where you need to buy plane tickets or draw up documents. The main programs are paid for directly during the transfer or at the beginning of the excursion. You do not need to look for someone to pay money for the excursion. The organizer’s employee will come to you himself. It is possible to pay in cash in dollars, euros and Egyptian pounds. Also, for your convenience, we have provided the ability to transfer to a bank card in rubles, hryvnias and euros at the exchange rate or to a crypto wallet in USDT, in advance of the excursion. For more detailed information about

Do you have a tourist license?

Egypt is a country with a fairly high level of regulation, especially in terms of tourism. In order for a car or yacht to go on an excursion, it is necessary to obtain permission from the police and military every day. And if the organizers do not have a license to carry out tourist activities, then they will naturally not receive any permission. That is why for some excursions we may ask you for data or photos of vouchers and passports (this applies to sea excursions in Sharm El Sheikh, individual excursions and some group excursions if this requires leaving the city. For other excursions, permissions are issued simply for the number of people and passport data is not required).

Are we insured during the excursion?

Some hotel guides, unfortunately, try to convince tourists that insurance is not valid for third-party tour organizers, except for their tour company. This is not true.

Firstly, your travel insurance is valid throughout Egypt, as is the tour company. Secondly, if you are on a ship, bus or other transport, the organizer bears full insurance liability to passengers. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to obtain permission to carry out tour activities. Egypt has fairly strict tourist rules and permits are required before each trip.

How to return a forgotten item during/after an excursion?

We always warn that it is important not to forget anything and to check things when leaving the bus or yacht at the end of the excursion. If you have lost something, it is quite difficult to return it, since all the transport leaves for cleaning and the difficulties of Egyptian logistics. Of course, we help tourists find their things, but we cannot guarantee a 100% return. If the thing was found, the delivery cost will be $5-10. Please be careful!

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